Programme > Full Programme


ESREF2023 Papers Schedule


Monday, October 2

chairperson G. BASCOUL
9:00   Review of 4 channel 850nm GaAs VCSELs on reliability investigations for AeroSpace applications
Y. Deshayes
IMS University of Bordeaux
10:30 Coffee Break
chairperson N. NOLHIER
11:00   Reliability and Failure of Micro-electronics devices
A. Mavinkurve
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Official opening of ESREF 2023
Session KN1 Keynote paper
chairperson N. NOLHIER
14:20   Exploration & Challenges on Quantum technologies & Cryogenics designs
P. Galy
Session BP_IRPS IRPS 2023 Best Paper
chairperson G. BASCOUL
15:00   Invited paper
Towards a Universal Model of Dielectric Breakdown
V. Millo
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Session BP_IPFA IPFA 2023 Best Paper
chairperson G. BASCOUL
15:20   Invited paper
Security Evaluation of Microcontrollers: A Case Study in Smart Watches
X. Zeng
Nanyang Technological University
Session BP_ISTFA ISTFA 2022 Best Paper
chairperson G. BASCOUL
15:40   Invited paper
Device Alteration Using A Scanning X-Ray Microscope
W. Lo
16:00 Coffee Break
16:20 Exhibition Opening and Booth Tour
chairperson G. BASCOUL

Tuesday, October 3

Session I1-I2 ESD & EMI
chairpersons F. CAIGNET
8:30   Invited paper
Three decades of arc-free reproducible CDM-like ESD testing from VF-TLP to CC-TLP
H. Gieser
Fraunhofer EMFT
09:10 I1-I2-1 #90 TLP/VFTLP investigation on eNVM 1T1R PCM in FD-SOI UTBB CMOS technology at room temperature
P. Galy, B. Jacquier, J. Sandrini, F. Arnaud
09:30 I1-I2-2 #148 Investigation on Composite Materials use for EMI Shielding in power electronics circuits
Z. Bassem1, T. Mohamed1, B. H. S. Jaleleddine1, K. Moncef2
Session G Photonics
chairpersons Y. DESHAYES
9:10 G-1 #122 Bias-dependent degradation of single quantum well on InGaN-based light emitting diode
C. Casu1, M. Buffolo2, A. Caria1, F. Piva1, C. De Santi2, G. Meneghesso2, E. Zanoni3, M. Meneghini2
1Università degli studi di Padova, 2University of Padova, 3Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Padova & National Interuniversity Consortium for Nanoelectronics, Italy
09:30 G-2 #145 Life test result on 4 channel VCELs chip used in 28Gb/s data transfer in space application
S. Joly1, M. Ouattara2, G. Guibaud3, L. S. How2, L. Bechou4, O. Gilard5, Y. Deshayes6
1University of Bordeaux, 2ADVEOTEC, 3Thales SIX, 4IMS Laboratory - University Bordeaux 1, 5CNES, 6IMS Laboratory
09:50 G-3 #147 Early failure of high-power white LEDs for outdoor applications under extreme electrical stress: role of silicone encapsulant
A. Caria1, R. Fraccaroli1, G. Pierobon1, G. Mura2, C. De Santi1, M. Buffolo1, N. Trivellin1, E. Zanoni1, G. Meneghesso1, M. Meneghini1
1University of Padova, 2University of Cagliari
10:10 G-4 #167 Comparison of static and transient methods for assessing the thermal resistance of high-power LASER diode emitting at 1532 nm
A. Bordet1, N. Congia2
1IMS Laboratory, 2CNES
  ECPE Session on 'WBG Power Device Reliability'
9:10  Pastel
moderators T. HARDER
Link to the programme
chairpersons P. BLONDY
9:50 H-1 #16 Prediction of the drift trend in piezoelectrically actuated MEMS mirror by 2D reliability modelling
M. Manzotti, Z. Rezvani, I. Pedaci, P. S. Barbato, A. Balsamo, S. Losa, V. Casuscelli
10:10 H-2 #28 A study of field emission current in MEMS capacitors with bottom electrode covered by dielectric film.
J. Theocharis, D. Birmpiliotis, S. Gardelis, G. Papaioannou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
10:30 Coffee Break
Session F1 Failure Mechanisms Failure Detection and Reliability Modeling of IGBT devices
chairperson M. CIAPPA
10:50 F1-1 #93 Study of Different Parameters Influencing the IGBT and Diode Robustness Under Short-Circuit Type III Conditions
M. L. Mysore1, A. Maitra1, T. Basler1, J. Lutz1, R. Baburske2, F.-J. Niedernostheide2, H.-J. Schulze2, F. Pfirsch2
1Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2Infineon Technologies AG
11:10 F1-2 #9 Enhancement of Turn-Off Gate Voltage Waveform Change by Digital Gate Control for Bond Wire Lift-Off Detection in IGBT Module
T. Mamee1, Z. Lou1, K. Hata2, M. Takamiya2, S.-I. Nishizawa1, W. Saito1
1Kyushu University, 2The University of Tokyo
11:30 F1-3 #1 A Simple Sensor Device for Power Cycle Degradation Sensing
T. Tsukamoto, S.-I. Nishizawa, W. Saito
Kyushu University
11:50 F1-4 #36 Influence of Thermal Interface Material Using Discrete Si-IGBTs and Consideration of Power Cycling Conditions
P. Heimler, M. Günther, C. Künzel, J. Lutz, T. Basler
TU Chemnitz
12:10 F1-5 #127 New model of crack propagation of aluminium wire bonds in IGBT power modules under low temperature variations
A. Halouani1, Z. Khatir1, N. Degrenne2
1Gustave Eiffel University, Paris-Saclay University, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, SATIE, 78000 Versailles, France, 2Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe, 1 Allée de Beaulieu, 35708 Rennes, France
Session B Reliability Analysis from Back-end to Front-End
chairpersons A. BRAVAIX
10:50 B-1 #66 Investigating the degradation mechanisms of moisture on the reliability of integrated low-k stack
L. Mischler1, V. Cartailler2, G. Imbert2, G. Duchamp3, H. Frémont3
1IMS / STMicroelectronics, 2STMicroelectronics, 3IMS Laboratory
11:10 B-2 #129 Automated reliability calculation of failure rate, lifetime extrapolation and prediction for embedded Metal-Insulator-Metal capacitors using an optimized Time-Dependent-Dielectric-Breakdown model
K. E. Falidas1, M. B. Everding1, A. E. Viegas1, M. Czernohorsky1, J. Heitmann2
1Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS, 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg
11:30 B-3 #143 DC to AC Analysis of HC vs. BTI damage in N-EDMOS used in Single Photon Avalanche Diode cell
H. Pitard1, A. Bravaix2, X. Federspiel3, R. Fillon4, F. Cacho3
1ISEN Yncréa méditerranée Toulon, 2ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée Toulon, 3ST Microelectronics Crolles, 4ST Microlectronics Crolles
11:50 B-4 #105 Correlation between 1064nm laser attack and thermal behavior in STT-MRAM
N. Yazigy1, J. Postel-Pellerin1, V. Della Marca1, R. C. Sousa2, G. Di Pendina2, P. Canet1
1Aix-Marseille University IM2NP, CNRS, UMR 7334, 2SPINTEC, University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA
12:10 B-5 #173 Self-heating of stressed VDMOS devices under specific operating conditions
S. Veljkovic1, N. Mitrovic2, I. Jovanović2, E. Živanović2, A. Paskaleva3, D. Spassov3, D. Mančić2, D. Dankovic2
1University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Enineering, 2University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 3Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
12:30 Lunch
Session E2 Material reliability
chairpersons A. GRACIA
14:00   Invited paper
New reliability challenges for 3D integration stacking using hybrid bonding
S. Lhostis
(Full paper available in USB key)
14:40 E2-1 #47 Moisture absorption and desorption in Epoxy Mold Compounds: characterization of fickian and non-fickian behaviours in complex packages
A. Tomas1, H. Fremont1, N. Malbert1, N. Labat1, M. Neffati2, B. Lambert2
1IMS Bordeaux, 2UMS
15:00 E2-2 #48 Large area bare Cu-Cu interconnection using micro-Cu paste at different sintering temperatures and pressures
W.Y. Li1, C.T. Chen1, M. Ueshima2, T. Kobatake2, K. Suganuma1
1Osaka University, 2Daicel Corporation
15:20 E2-3 #157 Ruggedized sensor packaging with advanced die attach and encapsulation material for harsh environment
Y. S. Tay1, H. Zhang1, L. Yang1, H. B. K. Kor2, L. Zhang1, H. Liu1, V. Gill3, A. Lambourne3, Z. Chen4, C. L. Gan4
1Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab, 2Temasek Lab@NTU, 3Rolls-Royce Group Plc, 4School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
15:40 E2-4 #178 Investigating the solder mask defects impact on leakage current on PCB under condensing humidity conditions
K. Zhang1, A.S. Bahman1,F. Iannuzzo1, A.R. Chopade2, J. Holst2, J.M. Rao3, S. Bahrebar3, R. Ambat3
1Department of Energy, Aalborg University, 2Danfoss Power Electronics and Drives A/S, Gråsten 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby
16:00 E2-5 #80 Metallized polypropylene film capacitors ageing laws confronted with the phenomenon of corrosion
C. Rochefort1, P. Venet2, G. Clerc2, A. Sari2, R. Mitova3, M.-X. Wang3, P. Bevilacqua2, Y. Zitouni2
1Laboratoire Ampère/ Schneider Electric, 2Laboratoire Ampère, 3Schneider Electric
Session C Progress in Failure Analysis
chairpersons S. CHEF
14:40 C-1 #70 3D Process Simulation-Assisted Device Failure Analysis with Virtual Defect Injection in IC layout
M. Samnani1, A. Firiti2, A. Bhattacherjee3, A. Singh4
1Synopsys GmbH, 2NXP Semiconductors, 3Synopsys Inc., 4Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd.
15:00 C-2 #78 Mobile Ions Entering the IGBT Gate Oxide - Electrical Detection and Failure Localization by Lock-In Thermography
M. Käsbauer1, P. Dreher1, M. Sippel2, R. Schmidt1
1SIEMENS AG, Center of Competence Power Electronics, Erlangen, Germany, 2Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS), FAU, Nuremberg, Germany
15:20 C-3 #108 Methodology of backside preparation applied on an MRAM to lead a logical investigation with a near-field probe
L. Dumas1, C. Villeneuve-Faure2, F. Marc3, H. Fremont3, C. Guerin4, G. Bascoul1
1Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), 2Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie (LAPLACE), 3Laboratoire IMS, 4Direction Générale de l’Armement Maîtrise de l’information (DGA MI)
15:40 C-4 #155 In-situ delamination detection in multi-layered semiconductor packages
T. Walter1, G. Khatibi1, A. Betzwar Kotas2, N. Kretschy2
1Vienna University of Technology, 2TU Wien
16:00 C-5 #52 Structural Investigation of Nanovoids Around the Interface of Micro-via by the Spherical Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.
M.-C. Hsieh1, M. Nishijima1, Z. Zheng1, R. Okumura1, H. Yoshida1, C. Chen1, A. Suetake1, H. Homma2, H. Seto2, Y. Kitahara2, K. Kita2, K. Suganuma1
1Flexible 3D System Integration Lab, SANKEN, Osaka University, 2Okuno Chemical Industries Co. Ltd.
16:20 Coffee Break
  Poster session
  AP-1 #26 Microstructural and Micromechanical Characterization of Sintered Nano-Copper Bump for Flip-Chip Heterogeneous Integration
X. Ji, L. Du, S. He, H. Van Zeijl, G. Zhang
Delft University of Technology
  AP-2 #79 A Reliability Assessment Methodology of System-in-Package Based Virtual Qualification
S. Guan, B. Wan, J. Zhong, G. Fu
School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
  AP-3 #101 RESAC: A redundancy strategy involving approximate computing for error-tolerant applications
P. Balasubramanian1, D. L. Maskell1, K. Prasad2
1Nanyang Technological University, 2Auckland University of Technology
  AP-4 #126 Bonding wire characterization using non-destructive X-ray imaging
D. Muß, R. Koch
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Microsystems and Solid State Technologies EMFT
  AP-5 #128 Electro-thermo-mechanical modelling of a SiC MOSFET transistor under non-destructive short-circuit
F. Loche-Moinet, L. Theolier, E. Woirgard
IMS, University of Bordeaux, Talence, France
  BP-1 #153 Aging measurement and empirical modeling of BTI on FPGA using 16nm FinFETs for static and dynamic stresses
J. Sobas1, F. Marc2
1IMS Laboratory, 2IMS laboratory
  CP-1 #77 Using X-ray imaging for the study of crack development in solder reliability testing
P. Roumanille1, J. Lesseur1, J. Uzanu2, H. Le Trong1, E. Ben Romdhane1, A. Guédon-Gracia3, H. Frémont3
1IRT Saint Exupéry, 2Elemca, 3University of Bordeaux, IMS Laboratory
  CP-2 #181 Automated endpointing in microelectronics failure analysis using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
P. Hoveida, A. Phoulady, H. Choi, Y. Suleiman, N. May, S. Shahbazmohamadi, P. Tavousi
University of Connecticut
  CP-3 #190 Synthetic data augmentation to enhance manual and automated defect detection in microelectronics
A. Phoulady1, Y. Suleiman1, H. Choi2, N. May1, S. Shahbazmohamadi1, P. Tavousi1
1University of Connecticut, 2university of connecticut
  DP-1 #37 Reliability tests on millimeter wave 100nm gate length process for Safe Operating Area evaluation methodology
C. Robin1, S. Delcourt1, J. Theocharis2, K. Neyrolles1, D. Langrez1, J. Latti3, G. Papaioannou2
1Thales Alenia Space, 2Condensed Matter Physics Section, Physics Department, University of Athens (NKUA), Panepistimioupolis Zografos, 3European Space Agency, ESTEC
  DP-2 #176 Bi-parameter thermal-mechanical reliability of miniaturised electromechanical RF relays for space applications
I. Marozau1, S. Unterhofer1, M. Berry2, G. Aubry2, P. Gonin2, R. Enquebecq2, M. Dadras1, O. Sereda1
1CSEM, 2Radiall
  EP-1 #2 Highly reliable micro-scale Cu sintered joint by oxidation-reduction bonding process under thermal cycling
M.-S. Kim1, D. Kim1, M.-H. Roh2, H. Nishikawa2
1Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 2Osaka University
  EP-2 #14 Dynamics of corrosion on mechanical and electrical reliability of SAC305 solder joints during salt spray test
K. E. Akoda, A. Guédon-Gracia, J.-Y. Delétage, B. Plano, H. Frémont
Laboratoire IMS, Université de Bordeaux, 351 Cours de la libération, 33405 Talence cedex, France
  EP-3 #27 Underfill material property dependence of lifetime and mechanical behavior of BGA package: EBSD and FEM investigations
D. Kim1, J. Park1, J. Jang1, H. Yang1, K. Kim2, C. Oh1, D. Kim3
1Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), 2Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd., 3Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)
  EP-4 #33 Physics of Failure and High-Temperature Reliability on Ag Sintered ENIG Finished Die-Attachments at 175 °C for Integration of In-Wheel Motor Systems
S. Kim1, J. Kim2, M.-S. Kim1, J. Park2, S. Mhin3, D. Kim1
1Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), 2Chosun University, 3Kyonggi University
  EP-5 #46 Research on intermittent fault of bond wire under thermal and vibration shock based on simulation and experiments
W. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Qiu, K. Lv
National University of Defence Technology
  EP-6 #54 Iodine vapour based quality test for coating and potting materials of (power) electronic devices
M. Meier, H. Schweigart
  EP-7 #81 Brazing failure of inner power modules’ interconnects using scattering parameter characterization
A. Gopishetti1, S. Baffreau2, P.-E. Vidal3, C. Duchesne4, T. L. Le5
1Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), 2IUT-Tarbes GEII, 3Laboratoire Génie de Production, Toulouse University, INPT – ENIT, 4DEEP Concept, 5Safran Tech
  EP-8 #137 High temperature reliability of pressureless sintered Cu joints for power SiC die attachmen
J. Dai, Y. Wang, T. Grant, W. Wang, M. Mat, M. Morshed
Dynex seminconductor Ltd
  F1P-1 #133 A modelling method of the on-state resistance of p-channel power MOSFETs under NBTI stress
Z. Wang, C. Chen, H. Wang, C. Wang, Z. Wang, X. Ye
Harbin Institute of Technology
  F2P-1 #13 Investigation on Temperature Limitation and Failure Mechanism of SiC MOSFETs Under Avalanche Conditions
H. Fei, L. Liang, Z. Zhang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  F2P-2 #25 First Results on 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET Body Diode Robustness Tests
H. Hamad1, D. Tournier2, J.-M. Reynes1, O. Perrotin1, R. Meuret1, D. Planson2, H. Morel2
1IRT Saint Exupery, Toulouse, France, 2Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, AMPERE, F-69621, Lyon, France
  F2P-3 #32 Junction Temperature Balance Control for Paralleled SiC MOSFETs Based on Active Gate Control
P. Liu, X. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Peng
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China
  F2P-4 #35 Calibration Methods and Power Cycling of Double-side Cooled SiC MOSFET Power Modules
T. Lentzsch, C. Schwabe, J. Lutz, T. Basler
Chair of Power Electronics, Chemnitz University of Technology
  F2P-5 #68 Over-Voltage and Cross-Conduction Hard Switching Stress on Schottky Gate-Type p-GaN HEMT in Half-Bridge Operation - Experimental and Physical Approaches
L. Ghizzo1, D. Trémouilles2, F. Richardeau3, S. Vinnac3, F. Jamin1, G. Guibaud1
1Thales SIX France SAS Toulouse, 2LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France, 3LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, Toulouse, France
  F2P-6 #76 Avalanche Ruggedness and Failure Mode of SiC Trench MOSFETs
S. Tuncay1, G. Zeng1, G. De Falco2, T. Basler3
1Infineon Technologies AG, 2Infineon Technologies Austria AG, 3Chemnitz University of Technology
  F2P-7 #97 Electrothermal Power Cycling of GaN and SiC Cascode Devices
Y. Gunaydin1, S. Jahdi1, X. Yuan1, O. Alatise2, J. Ortiz Gonzalez2
1University of Bristol, 2University of Warwick
  F2P-8 #99 Reliable development of an IMS-based SiC power module
Y. Lee1, A. Castellazzi1, S. Aviles2, C. Duchesne2, P. Lasserreb2, S. Fukunaga3, T. Funaki3
1Solid-State Power Processing Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science, 2Deep Concept, 3Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
  F2P-9 #112 Investigation of the Role of Pre-existing Oxygen in the Initial Degradation Mechanism in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Under ON-State Stress
H. T. Tan1, Y. Gao1, G. Syaranamual1, S. Arulkumaran2, G. I. Ng3, C. L. Gan4
1Low Energy Electronic Systems, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2Temasek Laboratories@Nanyang Technological University, 3School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 4School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
  F2P-10 #132 High-temperature integrated SiC MOSFET bi-directional switch in power-overlay technology
Y. Lee, A. Castellazzi
Solid-State Power Processing Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science
  F2P-11 #154 Reliability investigation of repeated unclamped inductive switching in a diode-clamped SiC circuit breaker
T. Takamori1, K. Wada1, W. Saito2, S.-I. Nishizawa2
1Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2Kyushu University
  F2P-12 #164 Precise estimation of dynamic junction temperature of SiC transistors for lifetime prediction of power modules used in three-phase inverters
A. Teixeira1, B. Cougo2, G. Segond2, L. M. F. Morais1, M. Andrade2, D. H. Tran2
1PPGEE/UFMG, 2IRT Saint-Exupery
  F2P-13 #188 Impact of Temperature on Dynamic Characteristics of 4H-Silicon Carbide Drift Step Recovery Diodes
X. Yan, L. Liang, Z. Yang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  F3P-1 #55 Is there a No-Effect Level (NEL) for adverse effects on electromechanical components by volatile siloxanes?
M. Rütters1, F. Schels2
1Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, 2AUDI AG
  F3P-2 #63 A Knowledge-Constrained CNN-LSTM Model for Lithium-Ion Batter-ies State-of-Charge Estimation
B. Yan1, W. Zheng1, D. Tang1, Y. Xing2, Y. Lali1
1School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, 2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University
  F3P-3 #89 FPGA Implementation of a Robust DTC-SVM Based Sliding Mode Flux Observer for a Double Star Induction Motor: Hardware in the Loop Validation
F. Z. Latrech, A. Ben Rhouma, A. Khedher
LATIS, ENISO, Sousse, Tunisia
  F3P-4 #131 Wear-out analysis of a PV system with BESS under peak shaving and harmonic current compensation
R. C. De Barros1, D. Gonçalves2, A. F. Cupertino2, V. F. Mendes3, W. D. C. Boaventura3, H. A. Pereira4
1Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, 2Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, 3Federal University of Minas Gerais, 4Federal University of Viçosa
  F3P-6 #161 Testability design of MOSFET power distribution system considering noise immunity characteristics analysis
C. Chen1, W. Liu1, X. Ye1, G. Zhai1, W. Zheng2
1Harbin Institute of Technology, 2Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Research Institute
  F3P-7 #170 Electro-thermal stress minimisation of motor-drive inverter switches by hybrid modulation strategy technique
J. Kwak, A. Castellazzi
Solid-State Power Processing Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science
  F3P-8 #43 Health State Diagnosis of Air Duct for Photovoltaic Inverter Based on PSO-SVM Classifier
Q. Song1, M. Ma1, W. Guo1, T. Jiang1, N. Pan2
1School of Electric Engineering and Automation,Hefei University of Technology, 2Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.
  F3P-9 #31 Mode Analysis and Fault-Toleration Method of Open-Circuit Fault for a Three-Level Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter
M. Ma, J. Wu, H. Wang, Q. Chen, J. Liang
National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Renewable Energy Access to Grid Technology
  F3P-10 #44 A Model-Based Power Switch Fault Diagnosis Strategy for Cascaded H-Bridge Converter
H. Wang, J. Wu, M. Ma, Q. Chen
Hefei University of Technology
  IP-1 #7 Study on annealing effect of bipolar transistors at different temperatures after total dose irradiation
R. Mo1, P. Li2, H. Lv3
115624900939, 213810521257, 318516993026
  IP-2 #42 Effect of substrate thinning on heavy ion induced single event effect in silicon carbide power junction barrier Schottky diodes
S. Zhao1, X. Yan1, Y. Liu1, P. Hu1, Q. Chen1, Z. Li1, P. Zhai1, T. Zhang2, Y. Jiao1, J. Yang1, Y. Sun1, J. Liu1
1Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, 2Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute
  IP-3 #72 Investigation of temperature and flux effects on heavy ion induced degradation in SiC Schottky diodes
X. Yan, P. Hu, S. Zhao, Q. Chen, L. Cai, Y. Jiao, J. Yang, Y. Sun, J. Liu
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  IP-4 #168 Investigation of Edge Computing Hardware Architectures Processing Tiny Machine Learning under Neutron-induced Radiation Effects
L. H. Laurini1, J. B. Dos Santos Martins2, R. Possamai Bastos1
1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, TIMA, 38000 Grenoble, France, 2GMICRO, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil

Wednesday, October 4

Session F2-1 Power device reliability
chairpersons L. THEOLIER
8:30   Invited paper
GaN Power Devices
M. Reimer
Robert Bosch GmbH
09:10 F2-1-1 #60 Thermo-Mechanical and Metallurgical Preliminary Analysis of SiC Mosfet Gate-Damage Mode under Short-Circuit based on a Complete Transient Multiphysics 2D FEM model
M. Shqair, T. Cazimajou, E. Sarraute, F. Richardeau
LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, Toulouse, France
09:30 F2-1-2 #156 Online die temperature measurement using S-Parameters in GaN-based power converters
Y. Pascal1, F. Daschner2, S. Mönch3, M. Liserre4, M. Höft2, R. Quay3
1Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT, 2Chair of Microwave Engineering, Kiel University, 3Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, 4Chair of Power Electronics, Kiel University
09:50 F2-1-3 #34 Failure Degradation Similarities on Power SiC MOSFET Devices Submitted to Short-Circuit Stress and Accelerated Switching Conditions
J. Oliveira1, P. Frey1, H. Morel2, J.-M. Reynes1, J. Burky3, F. Coccetti1, F. Iannuzzo4, M. Piton5
1IRT Saint Exupery, 2Ampere Laboratory, 3Alter Technology France, 4AAU Energy, 5Alstom
10:10 F2-1-4 #38 Junction Temperature Monitoring for Cascode GaN Devices Using the Si MOSFET’s Body Diode Voltage Drop
Z. Lu, F. Iannuzzo
Aalborg University
  AEC Reliability Workshop
8:30  Pastel
moderator R. RONGEN
Session A1 Reliability modelling
chairperson E. OLTHOF
9:10 A1-1 #10 Comparison of different statistical methods for prediction of lifetime of electrical connectors with short term tests
A. Shukla1, R. Martin2, R. Probst1, J. Song1
1Precision Engineering Laboratory, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 2Faculty of Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen
09:30 A1-2 #19 Mission profile-based digital twin framework using functional mock-up interfaces for assessing system’s degradation behaviour
M. Elsotohy, J. Jaeschke, F. Sehr, M. Schneider-Ramelow
Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM
09:50 A1-3 #64 An improved crack probability model for silicon oxide layers using three-parameter Weibull analysis
M. Unterreitmeier, O. Nagler
Infineon Technologies AG
10:10 A1-4 #82 Die Level Predictive Modeling to Reduce Latent Reliability Defect Escapes
P. Lenhard, A. Kovalenko, R. Lenhard
Inference Technologies
10:30 Coffee Break
Session F2-2 GaN device reliability
chairperson L. THEOLIER
10:50 F2-2-1 #20 Test concept for a direct correlation between dislocations and the intrinsic degradation of lateral PIN diodes in GaN-on-Si under reverse bias
M. Stabentheiner1, P. Diehle2, F. Altmann2, S. Hübner2, M. Lejoyeux2, A. Taylor1, D. Pogany3, C. Ostermaier1
1Infineon Technologies Austria AG, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, 3TU Vienna
11:10 F2-2-2 #149 Scaling of E-Mode power GaN-HEMTs for Low Voltage/Low Ron applications: Implications on Robustness
A. Benato1, C. De Santi1, M. Borga2, B. Bakeroot3, I. K. Filipek2, N. Posthuma2, S. Decoutere2, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini1
1Università degli Studi di Padova, 2imec, 3CMST, imec & Ghent University
11:30 F2-2-3 #152 Trade-off between gate leakage current and threshold voltage stability in power HEMTs during ON-state and OFF-state stress
D. Favero1, C. De Santi1, A. Stockman2, A. Nardo2, P. Vanmeerbeek2, M. Tack2, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini1
1Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, 2BelGaN
11:50 F2-2-4 #103 Threshold voltage instability in SiO2-gate semi-vertical GaN trench MOSFETs grown on silicon substrate
M. Fregolent1, A. Del Fiol1, C. De Santi1, C. Huber2, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini1
1Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Padova & National Interuniversity Consortium for Nanoelectronics, Italy, 2Department for Advanced Technologies and Microsystems, Robert Bosch GmbH
12:10 F2-2-5 #106 Investigation of Time-Dependent Gate Dielectric Breakdown in Recessed E-Mode GaN MIS-HEMTs Using Ferroelectric Charge Trap Gate Stack (FEG-HEMT)
Z.-H. Huang, T.-Y. Yang, J.-S. Wu, Y.-K. Liang, J.-F. Hsu, W.-C. Lin, T.-L. Wu, E. Y. Chang
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Session A2 Reliability analysis techniques
chairperson  E. OLTHOF
10:50 A2-1 #50 The TETRISC SoC - A resilient Quad-Core System based on the ResiliCell approach
M. Ulbricht1, M. Krstic2, L. Lu3, J. Chen4
1IHP, 2IHP GmbH, 3IHP-Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, 4IHP - Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics
11:10 A2-2 #83 Calibration and Efficient Evaluation of Electromigration Lifetime for Interconnect Wire Sizing of Multi-Port Networks
L. Milor, S. Ghosh
Georgia Institute of Technology
11:30 A2-3 #159 A novel in-situ approach to monitor the variations in the on-resistance of power transistors during switching operation
A. Cavaliere, C. De Santi, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, M. Meneghini
University of Padova
11:50 A2-4 #150 Alumina layers deposited by atomic layer deposition with different precursors: surface photovoltage measurements
V. Kolkovsky, P. Dill
Fraunhofer IPMS
12:10 A2-5 #92 Practical design of partially accelerated degradation test with two stress variables under step-stress loading scheme
S.-K. Kim1, Y.-S. Kim2, S.-I. Sung2
1Korea Testing Laboratory, 2Kyonggi University
12:30 Lunch
Session E1 Thermomechanical reliability
chairpersons P. COVA
14:00   Invited paper
An overview of numerical modeling techniques and case studies for thermal management in power electronic
N. Delmonte
Department of Engineering and Architecture - University of Parma
14:40 E1-1 #30 Investigating failure mode and mechanism of copper ribbon interconnections in operating photovoltaic modules
N. Delmonte1, D. Santoro1, L. Provenzale2, P. Cova1
1Department of Engineering and Architecture - University of Parma, 2Luca Provenzale – Independent contractor
15:00 E1-2 #45 Enhanced size effects on shear performance and fracture behavior of BGA structure micro-scale Cu/Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu/Cu joints at low temperatures
W.Y. Li1, F. Chen2, J. Gui2, S.L. He2, H.B. Qin2, J.Q. Huang2
1Osaka University, 2Guilin University of Electronic Technology
15:20 E1-3 #57 Micro-Additives and their Impact on Tensile and Fracture Performance of Solder
A. Steenmann, J. Richter, T. Licht
Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences
15:40 E1-4 #61 Improving the Reliability of Power Modules through layered Diffusion Solder Interconnects – Comparative Study based on Experiments and FE-Simulation
B. Ottinger1, A. Mathew2, S. Koenig1, J. Albrecht2
1Vitesco Technologies Germany, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS)
16:00 E1-5 #163 TIMs for transfer molded power modules: characterization, reliability, and modeling
A. Sitta1, G. Mauromicale1, G. L. Malgioglio1, D. M. Amoroso2, B. Schifano3, M. Calabretta1, G. Sequenzia3
1STMicroelectronics, 2University of Catania, STMicroelectronics, 3University of Catania
  AEC Reliability Workshop
14:00  Pastel
moderator R. RONGEN
Session F3-1 Monitoring and Protection
chairpersons F. IANNUZZO
14:40 F3-1-1 #51 Short-circuit protection scheme with efficient soft turn-off for power modules
H. Du, Y. Bayarsaikhan, I. Omura
Next Generation Power Electronics Research Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
15:00 F3-1-2 #53 SiC Power MOSFET Overload Detection, Short-Circuit Protection and Gate-Oxide Integrity Monitoring Using a Switched Resistors Dual-Channel Gate-Driver
M. Picot-Digoix1, F. Richardeau2, W. Jouha2, J.-M. Blaquière2, S. Vinnac2, S. Azzopardi3, T.-L. Le3
1SAFRAN TECH, Paris Saclay ; LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, 2LAPLACE, University of Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, 3SAFRAN TECH, Paris Saclay
15:20 F3-1-3 #187 Accuracy Estimation of Low-Current Voltage Drop Method for Junction Temperature Monitoring under DC Power Cycling
Z. Lu, F. Iannuzzo
Aalborg University
15:40 F3-1-4 #22 Condition Monitoring for Resonant Capacitors in LLC Resonant Converter
Q. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Peng, Z. Shuai
Hunan University
16:00 F3-1-5 #141 On the Sizing of PV Inverters with Reactive Power Capability to Regulate Power Factor: A Reliability Approach
E. Brito1, A. Cupertino2, H. Pereira1, V. Mendes3
1Federal University of Viçosa, 2Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, 3Federal University of Minas Gerais
16:20 Coffee Break

Thursday, October 5

Session D Reliability of microwave devices and circuits
chairpersons J.G. TARTARIN
8:30   Invited paper
DC and RF reliability of 5G/6G-MMW GaNHEMTs
S. Ganguly
Wolfspeed Inc
09:10 D-1 #125 Novel Approach of Combined Planar and Cross-Sectional Defect Analysis of stressed normally-on HEMT Devices with leaky Schottky Gates
A. Graff1, M. Simon-Najasek1, S. Hübner1, M. Lejoyeux1, F. Altmann2, V. Zhan Gao3, F. Rampazzo3, M. Meneghini3, E. Zanoni3, B. Lambert4
1Fraunhofer IMWS, 2Fraunhofer, 3University of Padua, 4United Monolithic Semiconductor
09:30 D-2 #136 Impact of High-Temperature Operating Lifetime Tests on the Stability of 0.15 µm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: a Temperature-Dependent Analysis
M. Pilati1, M. Buffolo1, F. Rampazzo1, B. Lambert2, D. Sommer2, J. Grünenpütt2, C. De Santi1, G. Meneghesso1, E. Zanoni1, M. Meneghini3
1University of Padova, Department of Information Engineering, 2United Monolithic Semiconductors, 3University of Padova, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy
09:50 D-3 #172 Impact of RF stress on different topology of 100 nm Robust GaN LNA
B. Pinault1, J.-G. Tartarin1, D. Saugnon1, R. Leblanc2
1Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des système (LAAS-CNRS), 2OMMIC
10:10 D-4 #174 Role of AlGaN back-barrier in enhancing the robustness of ultra-thin AlN/GaN HEMT for mmWave applications
N. Said1, K. Harrouche2, F. Medjdoub2, N. Labat3, J.-G. Tartarin4, N. Malbert3
1Material to System Integration laboratory, IMS / Systems Analysis and Architecture Laboratory, LAAS -CNRS, 2Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, IEMN -CNRS Lille, 3Material to System Integration laboratory, IMS, University of Bordeaux, 4Systems Analysis and Architecture Laboratory, LAAS -CNRS, Toulouse
10:30 D-5 #160 Time-Resolved Self-Heating Temperature Measurements of AlInN/GaN HEMTs using CeO2 Raman Micro-Thermometers
R. Strenaer1, Y. Guhel1, C. Gaquière2, B. Boudart1
1Normandie Université, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, GREYC UMR 6072, 2IEMN UMR 8520
  AEC Reliability Workshop
8:30  Pastel
moderator R. RONGEN
Session F2-3 SiC device reliability
chairpersons L. THEOLIER
9:10 F2-3-1 #85 New Reliability Model for Power SiC MOSFET Technologies Under Static and Dynamic Gate Stress
M. Zerarka1, V. Rustichelli1, O. Perrotin2, J.-M. Reynes1, D. Tremouilles3, S. Azzopardi4, A. Serre5, F. Bergeret5, L. Allirand6, F. Coccetti1
1IRT Saint Exupery, 2ALTER Technology / IRT Saint Exupery, 3CNRS / LAAS, 4SAFRAN Group / IRT Saint Exupery, 5IPPON Innovation, 6VITESCO Technologies
09:30 F2-3-2 #94 Modelling SiC MOSFET Module Threshold Voltage (VTH) and Impact of Parallel Device ΔVTH on Short Circuit Robustness
A. Deb1, J. Ortiz-Gonzalez2, S. Jahdi3, M. Taha2, P. Mawby2, O. Alatise2
1The University Warwick, 2The University of Warwick, 3The University of Bristol
09:50 F2-3-3 #107 Investigation of the Time Dependent Gate Dielectric Stability in SiC MOSFETs with Planar and Trench Gate Structures
W.-C. Lin1, W.-C. Yu2, B.-R. Chen1, Y.-S. Hsiao1, Z.-H. Huang1, C.-L. Hung2, Y.-K. Hsiao2, N.-J. Yeh2, H.-C. Kuo2, C.-C. Tu2, T.-L. Wu1
1National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 2Hon Hai Research Institute
10:10 F2-3-4 #171 Single Event Burnout Failures Caused in Silicon and Silicon Carbide Power Devices by Single Alpha Particles Emitted from Radioactive Nuclides
M. Pocaterra, M. Ciappa
ETH Zurich, Integrated Systems Laboratory
10:30 F2-3-5 #151 Influence of SiC Chip Thickness on the Power Cycling Capability of Power Electronics Assemblies – A Comprehensive Numerical Study
D. Zhao1, S. Letz2, J. Leib2, A. Schletz2
1Chair of Electron Devices - Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology
10:50 Coffee Break
Session I3-1 Radiation
chairpersons O. CREPEL
11:10 I3-1-1 #71 Sensitivity study of super-junction power MOSFETs by spatial and depth resolved heavy ion single event effect mapping with various linear energy transfer and bias ranges
M. Gerold1, M. Rueb2, J. Reindl3, G. Dollinger3, L. Günther1
1University of Applied Sciences Jena, 2University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany, 3Universität der Bundeswehr München
11:30 I3-1-2 #88 Impact of Total Ionizing Dose on the alpha-Soft Error Rate in FDSOI 28 nm SRAMs
S. Moindjie1, D. Munteanu2, J.-L. Autran1, V. Malherbe3, G. Gasiot3, P. Roche3
1Aix-Marseille University, 2CNRS, 3STMicroelectronics
11:50 I3-1-3 #91 Impact of neutron irradiation on SiC power MOSFETs after stress tests qualification
F. Pintacuda1, G. Allegra1, F. Principato2
1STMicroelectronics, 2bDepartment of Physics and Chemistry Emilio Segrè-University of Palermo
12:10 I3-1-4 #180 Software-controlled Pipeline Parity in GPU Architectures for Error Detection
G. Braga, M. Goncalves, J. R. De Azambuja
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Session F3-2 New Methods / System Level
chairpersons F. IANNUZZO
11:10 F3-2-1 #119 An Eigendecomposition-based Quantitative Design Method for the Dynamic Characteristics of Three-phase Inverter

H. Li, Z. Zhou, Y. Lu, M. Wei, J. Pan
School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
CANCELED, Presented at Poster session
11:30 F3-2-2 #21 Reliability prediction of a 30 kW power electronics converter
J. Schuderer1, F. Delince2, R. Bühler2
1Hitachi Energy Research, 2Hitachi Energy
11:50 F3-2-3 #69 Data-driven and physics-based reliability tests to failure of a power electronics converter
E. Martino, A. Fairbrother, R. Ghosh, J. Schuderer
Hitachi Energy Research
12:30 Lunch
Session I3-2 Radiation
chairpersons O. CREPEL
14:00 I3-2-1 #175 SMART: Selective MAC zero-optimzation for neural network reliability under radiation
A. Justus Rajappa1, P. Reiter1, T. Kraemer Sarzi Sartori2, L. Henrique Laurini3, H. Fourati4, S. Mercelis1, P. Hellinckx5, R. Possamai Bastos2
1IDLab, University of Antwerp - imec, Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, TIMA, 38000, Grenoble, France, 3niv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, TIMA, 38000, Grenoble, France, 4Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, CNRS, Grenoble INP, GIPSA-Lab, 38000, Grenoble, France, 5University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium
14:20 I3-2-2 #65 Characterization and Modelling of Single Event Transient Propagation through Standard Combinational Cells
M. Andjelkovic, M. Krstic
14:40 I3-2-3 #84 Impact of Aging on the SEU Immunity of FinFET-Based Embedded Memory Systems
A. Constante1, T. Balen1, V. Champac2, L. Bolzani Poehls3, F. Vargas4
1PGMICRO – Graduate Program in Microelectronics – UFRGS, 2National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics – INAOE, Mexico, 3RWTH Aachen, 4IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics
15:00 I3-2-4 #104 Evaluating Reliability against SEE of Embedded Systems: A Comparison of RTOS and Bare-metal Approaches
C. De Sio, S. Azimi, L. Sterpone
Politecnico di Torino
  AEC Reliability Workshop
14:00  Pastel
moderator R. RONGEN
15:20 Coffee Break
15:40 Announcement of ESREF 2024, Best Paper Awards, Conference closing
chairpersons N. NOLHIER
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